Ertugul peer inbne arbi
IBNE ARBI INTRODUCTION: " aj ham ap ka liya laya hain "ertugul ghazi" ka rahnma ibne arbi ka bara ma article la kr laya hain umeed ha ka ap ko pasand aya ga " Main: Ibn ‘Arabî (1165–1240) can be considered the greatest of all Muslim philosophers, provided we understand philosophy in the broad, modern sense and not simply as the discipline of falsafa , whose outstanding representatives are Avicenna and, many would say, Mullâ Sadrâ. Salman Bashier (2012) has even argued that “the story of Islamic philosophy” depicts an initial rationalistic phase and culminates with an “illuminative phase” best represented by Ibn ‘Arabî. Most Western scholarship and much of the later Islamic tradition have classified Ibn ‘Arabî as a “Sufi”, though he himself did not; his works cover the whole gamut of Islamic sciences, not